5 startup sectors with growth potential post 2020

5 startup sectors with growth potential post 2020 The COVID 19 pandemic has proved to be a game-changer in a lot of aspects. Be it the working environment across the country or the healthcare, every sector is now getting ready to embrace the new normal. It is clear that MSMEs are suffering a lot in this situation, while some businesses have been hit badly due to the pandemic, there are some industries that started growing amid the pandemic. There was a whole untouched market which is now being explored, making the way for many existing sectors to bloom post-COVID. Here are some sectors that are likely to grow post-COVID. 1. EdTech With all the schools being shut and 100% of the education moving online, edtech sectors have seen tremendous growth. With institutions shifting to online teaching method and parents scared of sending their children for physical learning, ed-tech is tapping on every entity possible. Students from every COVID affected nation, e...