What are Gann indicators and how to use them?

What are Gann indicators and how to use them? TradingView is a platform where you can analyze and understand charts and interact with other traders and their investment ideas. TradingView offers you the largest library of ideas and strategies, with over 100,000 strategies written by other traders and members of the community. the members share their ideas and scripts, on the TradingView market. (Read more) Open Demat Account WD Gann developed some trading techniques that are still widely used these techniques were based on angles and various geometry patterns these angles help you find areas of support and resistance, key tops and bottoms and future price moves. Gann anysis is totally based on the idea at the market moves from one angle to other and in case one angle is broken, the price moves to the other angle. An important angle to watch is the 1×1. 1×1 angle represents one unit of price for one unit of time and a change in the direction of price is expected w...